Make the Most of Your Holidays

Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last.

Lawrence Welk

Holidays are a time to be cherished.

A time to relish in the richness of friends, family and the gifts God has given us.

A time to give to others who have less.

Below are 5 ways we work to make the most of our holidays.


  1. Soak in Your Blessings – Family, friends, good food. All blessings that, truth be told, we really don’t deserve. Be thankful for the big things and the little things. Even that Uncle that won’t stop telling the same stories he told last year. It is all a blessing.
  2. Give Grace – If you are lucky, you will be surrounding by friends and family this Thanksgiving. Friends you choose. Family God chose for you. When you are surrounded by this large of a crowd someone will say something stupid. Give grace. That someone might be you.
  3. Stop Working – Whatever you do, do not use the few days away from the office as a chance to catch up. I know you. You know me. 3 days with 10% of my usual email traffic – I can finally get to the bottom of my email!No! Don’t do it to yourself or your family.This is your chance to have real conversations with people that you hardly ever get to see. Get to know them better. Be genuinely interested in them, their lives and what they have to say.
  4. Give Back – One way to really step up your gratitude is to come face to face with how little others have. If you live in America, you are rich. Even if you are on some form of government assistance understand that plenty of countries don’t have such a thing. Plenty of people are hurting. It’s unfortunate that it takes seeing others suffering to recognize all we have, but if that is what it takes – just do it. Go to where people are hurting and lend them a hand. You’ll come back all the more appreciative of what you have.
  5. Don’t Catch Up on Your Reading! – The holidays are about relationships. Take a break from the knowledge economy and focus your time on coming up with conversations topics with people who you share little in common with other than blood. It’s a great brain exercise and way more interesting than you would expect. You’ll be amazed at what you learn.

So, this is the last blog you’ll read this week…. Right?

In closing, thank you for making the time to read these blogs, for supporting Fowler & Company and what we are working to accomplish.

We are very thankful for you and your support.

Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Thank you for being a part of our values driven community!

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