3 Reasons Every Leader Should Blog, The Global Health Challenge, C.S. Lewis on Interruptions
3 Reasons Every CEO Should Blog
A few weeks ago we talked about how everyone should write to learn, to give, to sell and to be remembered. This week I want to talk about why leaders must write and more specifically have a blog open to the public.
To Communicate
Communication is the #1 problem in all organizations and all relationships. The lack of or the poor quality of communication is what gets us all in trouble and limits our growth. Writing helps you organize your thoughts. What people hear and what you say are often very different. Good writing helps reduce that gap. You can use examples and illustrations to tell a great story and to reinforce the direction of your organization.
If you are brave, make your blog open to comments. It is a great opportunity to have a dialogue with people inside and outside of your organization.
A great culture is the most effective tool you have to attract great people and do great things. But culture is hard to create and maintain. A blog will allow you to celebrate the people in your organization when they do things that are great examples of your culture at work.
When things go wrong, which they always will, you can address the missteps and show how the action was not consistent with your culture. Like a plane traveling cross country, your culture is always a little off-course. Your blog can be a great tool to re-align your organization to the true north you have set for it.
To Sell
People love to buy from people they trust and like. They also like to work with them. As you put more of your personality and culture into the public domain, more people will get to know you and trust you. Plenty of people will decide that your organization is not the right fit for them and that is OK. That is what a brand does. It attracts the right employees and customers and repels the wrong ones.
Use your blog to showcase the expertise inside your organization and your culture. It will attract the right people and clients while saving you the trouble of dealing with the wrong ones!
If you’d like to get inspired, check out Richard Branson’s blog, Bill Marriott’s or Thom Rainier’s of LifeWay Christian Resources. Bill has some great videos on his blog reinforcing the core values of the organization.
If you want to influence your team and your market you need to be “out there” as a leader. A blog is a great way to get started.
Branson’s Global Health Challenge
Speaking of Richard Branson’s blog, this week he challenged global leaders to join the Virgin Pulse Global Challenge. Branson’s Pulse business has become the leading provider of well-being and engagement solutions.
If you are interested in starting a wellness initiative for your team, check them out.
Life, Fun, Whatever…
Interruptions To Our Plans
I can get so bothered when life seems to get in the way of my plans. This quote from C.S. Lewis helps keep things in perspective.
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