4 Reasons to Write, Ruminating vs Problem Solving, Getting Love Right
Why Write?
I have never been a writer in the past. I was blessed with a good education so I know how to write relatively well, but I had never really written. Kinda like I have always known how to swim, but I had never really swum until I decided to sign up for the IRONMAN and found out I had to swim 2.4 miles in the ocean! That ocean swim put the fear of death in me and took my practice of swimming to new heights.
Similarly, my hope is that the dedicated practice of writing will improve my skills in the way training for the IRONMAN improved my swimming.
But, writing is a pain! It takes time and putting things in writing always subjects you to the potential for ridicule of your ideas (or your writing skills). So, why do it? Here are my reasons. Maybe these will inspire or help you find reasons of your own.
To Learn
They say you never really know a subject until you can teach it. Writing is a form of teaching. You are trying to get knowledge out of your brain in a coherent way so it can benefit others. Writing forces you to organize your thoughts and to know your subject at a level that you would have never gotten to if you were only using that knowledge internally. Like having a big, scary swim on the horizon, putting your ideas on paper (or screen) forces you to up your game.
Having a writing deadline (like this newsletter) also forces me to learn. If the idea is from my experiences, I have to learn how to communicate it clearly. If the topic is something I am simply curious about, I get to study and teach as I learn. That is why this newsletter is focused on Christian business principles, health and family. All topics I am passionate about. Getting to learn and teach in all of these areas is a lot of fun for me. I am “scratching my own itch” which keeps me passionate and motivated to write.
To Give
Most of my writing is about things that I have found helpful in my life, both my business life and my personal life. Letting others know about these great tips, tools and techniques is a way I can help others.
To Sell
Just the term “sales” sounds greedy and manipulative, at least to me. But, a sale only occurs when a willing buyer gives something (usually money) in exchange for a good or service. People want to buy, but they hate to be sold!
Before people will buy from me they have to believe that I have a solution that meets a need they have. That is where the writing helps. It allows buyers to get to know me and my methodologies before they buy. As they read more they can decide if we would be a good fit to work together or not. That saves both of us time and money. We don’t even need to talk for you to do your sales research!
To Be Remembered
People who write are remembered. You might have heard of an idea or solution 30 times, but once you have seen it in print you then have a reference point and the writer is connected to that point.
As an example, Marco Polo is famous for his explorations of China. He was not the first European to travel through China, but he was the first to write a detailed description of his travels. If one of those earlier travelers had bothered to write about their trip we would probably have another name for that silly children’s game!
Writing is tough, especially at the beginning. I still struggle to get words on the page. But, I can honestly say that my life would be missing something great if I no longer had the time to write. Writing has become a part of who I am.
If you are not yet a writer, give it a try. Start a blog, write letters to your spouse and kids, journal about your experiences in this life. You will grow in the process and leave behind a treasure for those who come after you.
Rumination vs. Problem Solving
What’s the difference? Rumination is focusing on a problem. Rumination frequently includes making catastrophic predictions about the problem and its potential outcomes. All of your attention is on the problem and the pain associated with the outcomes. The more you think about it, the bigger the problem gets and we keep going deeper and deeper into our own little mental hell.
Problem solving also includes focusing on a problem. You must know your enemy before you can defeat him, so you’ve got to look really close. But, problem solving quickly turns to creating solutions to the problem. An issue that keeps too many of us in rumination is that stressed brains are not creative! And looking at the problem stresses you out so you cannot come up with any solutions.
That is why talking through the problem with a good friend or mentor can be so helpful. They are not stressed by your problems. They can maintain the objectivity that you have lost.
If you don’t have someone you can confide in, try this. Write down a detailed description of the problem and tell yourself you will not think about it for 24 hours. Of course, you’ll think about it. But, by giving your mind this 24 hour window to avoid the problem your brain will be free to come up creative solutions while you are running, sleeping or taking a shower.
So, are you ruminating or problem solving?
Life, Fun, Whatever…
Getting Love Right
You just made it through another Valentine’s Day! Congratulations – You are a bit poorer, but Hallmark and the flower shops will have a great month!
After the pedals have fallen off the rose and the balloons have drooped, take a moment to think about, to teach your kids about and let someone in your life feel, real, true love.
True love is enduring, sacrificial and occurs when we least deserve it. You’ll know true love when the world turns its back on you (maybe with “good” reason), but the ones who truly love you are still by your side.
True love has no conditions, no limitations, unlimited do-overs, it never fails. If we can show the world just a little more true love, it would be a much better place.
“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
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