Career Limiting Habits, Breathe for Health, Let’s Relax Ad
Hi , –
I hope you’re having a great week.
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that!
Let’s get started!
Career Limiting Habits
According to a VitalSmarts study, 97% of us have at least one career limiting habit. Whether it be procrastination or temper, the great majority of us (and those who work for you) have one habit that will reduce their likelihood of excelling at work.
The major problem is not an inability to change (though none of us like change), it is far more often the fact that the offending party is unaware of the problem. Sure, they might admit but that they “fly off the handle” every now and then, but they have no idea how large of a problem their habit is for their career.
The solution – go mining for problems. Just like Chick-fil-a does by bribing me to fill out their survey with a free chicken sandwich, you (as the senior leader) must reach around your middle management to listen to their direct reports.
The trick is to make this feedback loop 100% anonymous. I don’t care how open of a culture you think you have, 98% of the people in your organization need their job and they are not about to jeopardize it by tattling on their boss. This is why career limiting habits go undiagnosed (and untreated) for so long. The offending manager is delivering results and senior leadership has no way of knowing that he or she is killing their staff to make it happen.
How do you get 100% anonymous feedback? You’ve got to get someone from outside the organization to gather the data. It is impossible to guarantee anonymity when the collection process is done in house.
We can help. We can create an ongoing feedback loop that comes directly to us (an independent third party). We clean the data to remove any identifying information and then send the report to senior leadership.
Senior leadership can then take the needed action to fix the offending habit. That fix can be training or coaching that will help the manager overcome the habit and continue to rise through the ranks while giving their reports the relief they need.
Don’t think your managers have a career limiting habit? Have you asked your staff – anonymously? Let us know if we can help.
Breathing for Better Health
Duh. Of course breathing is good for you, its kinda necessary isn’t it? Well, yes it is. But we are not talking about just staying alive, but actually improving your health and happiness by focusing on how you breathe.
According to this WSJ article, breathing and controlling your breath is one of the easiest ways to improve mental and physical health, doctors and psychologists say. Slow, deep and consistent breathing has been shown to have benefits in treating conditions ranging from migraines and irritable bowel syndrome to anxiety disorders and pain.
I’ve really enjoyed using this free app. I can just click it on and practice breathing on my way to a meeting or while waiting in line. I have not found the time or patience for full scale meditation but this seems to give lots of the benefits and you can do it in time that might have otherwise been wasted. Give it a try!
Life, Fun, Whatever!
IKEA – Great Ad, Good Message
This IKEA commercial gives a funny take on what Instagram would be like in the 18th century. Great use of humor and it speaks to IKEA’s core customer with its message of “Let’s Relax.” IKEA’s customers value simplicity and this ad speaks to that value while entertaining.
From someone that feels that breaking out our newest Tervis tumblers is getting ready for company, I couldn’t agree more!
Watch the 1.5 minute video by clicking below.
IKEA – Let’s Relax
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week!
If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line!
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to send me any feedback at
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