How do You Define Success? Work Less Accomplish More; You Need Sun Exposure; There is Always a Bigger Boat!
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace. Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that!
Let’s get started!
Redefine Success – Success in life does not equal success in business. If you think that you need to spend time learning from people who have succeeded wonderfully in business but failed at home or in their faith. Here is a review of 12 people that should have “had it all” but were miserable. Sad stories. Define success on your own terms and learn from those who have gone down the wrong paths in search of happiness.
Work Less, Accomplish More – As you step back and define success inside and outside of your business and career, you will find that work (+ thinking about work) takes up a large part of your waking hours. Now that you understand that success at work is not the only success you want to have, let’s look at how working less can actually improve your productivity. Stew Friedman (Wharton Professor and former head of Ford’s Leadership Center) has done some great research on how spending more time focused on your family, community and self/faith actually improves work performance. Learn more here.
Enjoy a Little Sun! – You need it! According to a recent study completed in Sweden “…avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking.” Health giant Kaiser Permanente has gone as far to call the recommendation to avoid sun exposure as “misguided.” Sun exposure (and maximizing vitamin D levels) plays a role in decreasing 16 different types of cancers. Experts are recommending moderate sun exposure (2 to 4 times a week for 15 to 30 minutes). Lots of great info in this article on the many benefits of sun exposure.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
Be Grateful – There is a great saying – There Is Always a Bigger Boat – and there always will be. Notice the billionaires always trying to build one bigger (here is proof)? Ambition can be a good thing, but we can never let ambition get in the way of the most important things – God, family, relationships. This video is a great reminder to be grateful right where we are today. Just over 1 minute to watch. Click here for the video. Props to our friends at Rockstar Finance for this recommendation.
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week!
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