Harvard on Strategy vs Execution, Eat Your Brain Healthy?
Our goal is to bring you, the Christian business leader, the best tips, tools and techniques to help you build excellent businesses and an amazing life.
So, here we go!
Strategy and Execution Are the Same Thing – Another HBR article on the research we discussed last week that showed only 8% of leaders are good at both strategy and execution. Roger Martin points out that a mere 1% of leaders that were characterized as great strategists executed poorly.
Martin makes a great argument that no strategy is great if it does not include an excellent plan (and likelihood) of being executed. The fact remains most leaders are not good at either – only 13% were considered great strategists and 11% great executors. Great short read you can find here.
I’d love to discuss with you how we can help you create a great, executable plan for your organization. Just reply to this email and we can set a time to discuss.
Chasing Growth or Executing Your Strategy – The Conference Board CEO Report states that most CEOs feel their biggest challenge is finding growth. A lot of this is due to the fact most of these companies are public and the public markets require constant growth often at the expense of long term success. But, chasing growth is like chasing weight loss without chasing healthy eating or exercise. It is futile. Chase excellence and the growth will come. Check out this article to learn more.
5 Eating Rules for a Healthy Brain – If you haven’t read any Daniel Amen’s books, you should. I really enjoyed “Magnificent Mind at Any Age” and use many of the exercises he provided in that book. Great info on the science of healthy brains and maintaining a healthy thought life.
5 Rules: 1) Think Quality Calories (less junk), 2) Don’t Drink Your Calories – but stay away from the diet sodas as well. Many studies show that diet drinks make you just a fat as regular sodas + you get all the chemicals!, 3) Eat Clean Protein – protein balances blood sugars, 4) Eat Smart Carbs – if it’s not a fruit or vegetable, it is unlikely that is worth the calories, 5) Focus on Healthy Fats – avoid the trans fats and the fats you get from most fast food. Nuts, avocados and olive oil are good.
For the full article go here.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
Beautiful Vistas from Around the World – Will really make you want to get outside! Just beautiful 3 minute video. Worth the watch. Get close enough to your screen and you might forget you are at work! Click here to view.
Here’s wishing you a great week!
If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line!
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to send me any feedback at cfowler@valuesdrivenresults.com!
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Be Blessed!
-Curt Fowler
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