Lead through Disappointment, Surprising Stats on Distracted Driving, Beautiful Practical Joke!
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace. Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that!
So, here we go!
Lead With the Right EGO – Bad or “Edge God Out” ego occurs when we rely solely on ourselves as the source of knowledge. This results in pride and fear. Fear being what I believe to be the cause of almost all poor behavior on earth. Think about it. Isn’t fear at the root of most of our poor actions? Good EGO, “Exalt God Only”, occurs when we acknowledge God as our source and lead with humility. Great article by the folks at Lead Like Jesus. Click here to read.
Leading Through Disappointment – If you want your team to innovate or to set challenging goals you must learn to embrace failure as a leader. If your team is afraid to fail, they’ll set low goals that they can easily achieve and fail to innovate. Lack of innovation and wrong sized goals can lead to the death or dramatic under-performance of your organization. I learned so much from watching Coach Dave Belisle’s speech to his team after they lost the Little League World Series. Watch it here.
Dangers of Distracted Driving – Dialing a phone number increases risk of a crash 12x. Texting increases your risk of a crash by 6x. Turns out our thinking (reflective) brain can’t do two things at once and driving safely and talking requires both. These studies show that going “hands free” with your phone is no safer. Fascinating article on the risks of distracted driving. Lots of facts from an extensive study of 3,500 drivers over 3 years. Plus, great info on our brain’s inability to multitask. Scary stuff. Please be careful! Check out the article here.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
Beautiful Practical Joke + Commercial – Great job by Heineken. Totally worthy 3 min break in your day! Watch here.
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week!
If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line!
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