The List Buffett Says Will Keep You Average, New Health Study Says You Need Fat, Heroes in Texas
Warren Buffett Says This List Will Keep You Average
I love hearing Buffett stories. The guy is far from perfect in many areas of life, but when you listen to him you cannot help but know the guy has a lot of wisdom. Just getting to his age certainly helps, but he also surrounds himself with incredibly bright people.
So, when I heard this story about a list that Buffett says keeps most people average I had to listen.
Most success oriented people keep goal lists. Some of us have exhaustive “bucket lists” detailing every great thing we want to accomplish before we die. According to Buffett, those exhaustive lists are what keep us from being extraordinary.
Buffett was coaching his long term pilot, Mike Flint, on his business goals. He asked Flint to carefully think about and write down his top 25 business goals. When Flint presented his list to Buffett, Buffett asked him to create a second list of only his top 5 business goals.
Buffett then told Flint to throw away the first list. Every item on that list was now a distraction to Flint accomplishing his 5 most important business goals.
He makes a great point. In my life, I have learned that I can set no more than two big goals each year and still have a chance for accomplishing both. Studies show that the likelihood to achieve goals diminishes rapidly as the goal list grows beyond two items.
When I am working with my clients to build and execute their business strategy, we always have a number one goal. It is the goal that we know we must achieve and all other goals are secondary to it. It is far too easy to make yourself feel OK because you got halfway to two big goals.
Prioritization is the key. Know what matters most in your life and in business and then decide on the most important next step to get there.
It’s the Carbs Killing Us, Not the Fat
An 18 country study following more than 135,000 people aged 35 to 70 is turning some conventional nutritional advice on its head. Here are some of the highlights:
- 3 to 4 servings of vegetables, fruits and legumes per day lowers your risk of early death. Eating more than 3 to 4 servings does not appear to provide more benefit.
- People with a high fat intake – 35% of their daily diet, had a 23% lower risk of early death and an 18% lower risk of stroke than those who ate less fat.
- Very low intakes of saturated fat (less than 3% of daily diet) were associated with a higher risk of death compared to diets containing up to 13%.
- Diets consisting of 77% carbohydrates were associated with a 28% higher risk of death than low-carb diets.
- The study found no evidence that diets consisting of less than 10% of calories from saturated fat were beneficial and diets with less than 7% may be harmful.
- The study’s lead author suggested that “the best diets will include a balance of carbohydrates and fats, approximately 50 to 55 percent carbohydrates and around 35 percent total fat, including both saturated and unsaturated fats.”
What should we do with this new information? As always, focus on maximizing fruits, vegetables and legumes in your diet. Whenever possible, stay away from the carbs and don’t be overly concerned about saturated fats.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
Houston Furniture Store Invites Flood Victims In
Jim Mcingvale, affectionately known in Houston as “Mattress Mack”, has opened up both his furniture stores in Houston to flood victims and even invited them to bring their pets. “We’ve got lots of beds, we’ve got lots of food, we got water, and you can even bring your animals.”
He even gave out his personal cell number on Facebook inviting people to call if they needed help. He sent out his delivery trucks to pick up victims in need of a place to stay.
Please pray for Texas, Louisiana and for more of us to be like “Mattress Mack.”
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