Not Accepting Applications?, Healthiest Hearts in the World, Worry does not…
Not Accepting Applications?
I was at a business that I really love the other day and noticed a sign stating that they were “not currently accepting applications.” This struck me as strange. I have never met a leader who believes that they have too many talented people in their organization.
In fact, almost every leader I talk to agrees that there is a massive talent shortage in the market today. If that is true, why would a great company not be accepting applications?
I get it. You are tired of stacking up applications and trying to follow up with everyone that applies. But there is a better way. Try these steps:
- Change the Sign – Replace it with one that states that you are always looking for talented individuals to join your team. When they submit an application you can let them know that you have no positions currently and that you will reach out to them if something opens up. That eliminates the need to follow up if you don’t have an opportunity for them.
- Start a Database – Of everyone who sends you a resume or asks to fill out an application. Make notes about what you liked or didn’t like about them. Remember that just because someone isn’t the right fit today, does not mean that they won’t be a perfect fit years down the road.
- Stay in Contact – Set up an automated newsletter that reaches out to your database about current position openings or just company happenings. Build a relationship.
- Recommend Them – Did you run across someone that you’d love to hire but you just can fit into the organization right now? Recommend them to your friends and colleagues. You’ll be helping two people out while building your database.
What will this different approach accomplish? It will allow you to develop a deeper pool of talented people who are interested in working with your company. You will also be developing relationships with people who might do business with you or will tell a friend about you.
Talent is the #1 competitive advantage in business today. Everything else is replaceable. Don’t miss an opportunity to deepen your talent bench just because you do not currently have open positions!
Healthiest Hearts in the World
The healthiest hearts in the world belong to the Tsimane people, a tribe that lives in the rainforests of Bolivia. Michael Gurven, a professor of anthropology at the University of California and a team of researchers wanted to the study the heart health of the Tsimane. The Tsimane people do not live very differently from their ancestors. They still hunt, fish and farm to survive and they move – a lot!
The researchers used a technique called the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) score to compare the heart health of the Tsimane to other people groups they had studied around the world. What they found blew them away. The Tsimane had far better CAC scores than any population ever studied.
What are their secrets?
- They walk a lot! On average 17,000 steps per day. Even those over 60 years old averaged 15,000 steps per day. Compare that with the American average of 5,000 steps per day.
- They get 14% of their calories from fat, compared to 34% in the US.
- Their protein sources are lean meat. Not farm-fattened like in the US.
- Virtually no one in the population is overweight. Which is understandable if the old folks walk 15,000 steps per day!
Overall, move more and eat less. Simple to understand, difficult to do! The same model seems to work for the Amish.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
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