Become an Influencer, Master WillPower, Surprising Key to Health, If God wants a thing to succeed…
I hope you’re having a great week.
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that!
Let’s get started!
Become an Influencer – There are a lot of self-proclaimed experts these days, but titles don’t matter. Influence does. Influence is how you help the world. It opens doors that were shut. Here are 5 Steps to Become an Influencer from a great article in Entrepreneur Magazine:
- Enable Others to Call You an Expert – Provide solutions to problems in your niche. If you provide real solutions, your expertise will be rapidly shared.
- Make Your Solutions Quick! – Digital induced attention deficit disorder is rampant. No one has the patience for long winded solutions. Provide value quick.
- Deliver Short Messages Multiple Ways – Your message needs to be heard by people with many different learning preferences. Some love video, others love text. As for me, make it audio so I can get it in while doing something else. Make sure your message is available in all the formats and easy to find. Technology is making this so much easier than it ever has been.
- Make it Easy for the Media – Folks in the media are dying for solutions to provide for their audiences. Make your talk/writing/etc. all about their audience. All about quick solutions to real problems that their audience is experiencing. Solutions oriented messages will be shared.
- Use Social and PR – This is similar to delivering your message in multiple ways. Did you do an interview or write an article? Make sure you distribute it in all of your channels so your audience can benefit.
Lots more great ideas in the article by Brian Ainsley Horn. Check it out here.
Willpower is a Limited Resource – I hate it, but willpower/self discipline is limited resource. Research shows that every time you make a decision during the day it reduces your willpower resources for the rest of the day. Every time you have to use willpower to make a positive decision, you have less willpower for the next one. Creating a new, positive habit takes a ton of willpower! Ever notice how little willpower it takes to create a negative habit? Those just come naturally!
Here are 3 willpower free ways to make great decisions (& maybe create a new habit):
- Pre-Make Decisions – President Obama only wears grey or blue suits. He knows he needs to conserve his decision making power for more important things. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s wardrobe consists mostly of grey t-shirts and grey hoodies. How can you simplify your wardrobe?
- Simplify your diet. The most successful and fittest people have very boring diets (I’m not one of them, but would love to be!). I skip breakfast most days and try very hard to only have a salad for lunch. If I pre-made my salad the night before that would be one less decision to make! What decisions can you pre-make?
- Change Your Environment – A freezer full of ice cream beckons me late at night when my willpower is at its lowest levels. Workouts hardly ever occur after work, so I force myself to do them before work or at lunch. I let calls go to voicemail when I am trying to do deep work. I reply to emails in batches and turned off the automatic “new email” notification years ago. What are you trying to accomplish? What is getting in the way? How can you change your environment to make good decisions easier?
- Get Accountability – We are pre-wired with a need to be esteemed by people we admire or want to impress. When you are trying to make a positive change in your life you must get accountability. That is probably why research shows the return on investment of executive coaches is 7x what you pay! Weight Watchers is another great example of accountability at work. They are one of the most successful weight loss programs in the world because of the weekly weigh ins. Nobody wants to dissappoint their Weight Watchers “team” and work hard to show results for each weigh in. How can you create accountability for a big goal your are trying to accomplish? Hire a coach? Enlist a friend? Tip: Make sure your accountability partner checks in with you at least weekly. Success is made in your daily decisions. We can get way too far off track if our accountability is monthly.
The Importance of Flossing – I brush my teeth multiple times a day. I take care of myself, but like many flossing is something I think about when a dental appointment is coming up. I’m not the only one. Apparently, 1/3 of Americans never floss. Fairly shocking article about how oral health affects your overall health. Check out these stats:
- Failing to brush your teeth 2x per day can increase your risk of dementia by 65%
- People with gum disease have a 300% greater chance of contracting pneumonia
- Those with gum disease have 700% higher incidence of type 2 diabetes
- Of course, bad breath is a symptom as well!
So, take care of your mouth! Check out this article for more details.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
Jill caught this image and sent it to me. It is a great reminder that God is in control, His plans overrule mine. It reminds me to do my part and then rest in His provision, healing, restoration, whatever it is I am working so hard to accomplish.
Great blog post and a great downloadable you can hang on your wall. “What will you trust God with today?” Click on the image to go to the post.
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week!
If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line!
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About Fowler & Company
Fowler & Company helps Christian business leaders accelerate their growth, profit and witness in the marketplace. We do this by helping our clients in three primary areas of focus; Strategy + Execution; Performance Excellence and Executive Coaching. Curt also delivers inspiring messages to teams through his Keynote Speaking.
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Be Blessed!
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