The Effective Leader, Christian Medical Sharing, Don’t Make the Animals Sick…
The Effective Leader
You might know this already, but I am a bit of a productivity nut. There is so much that I want to accomplish in this world and it always feels like there is too little time to do it. Maybe becoming a Dad at 40 has helped me understand how little time I am going to have with my little ones in the house. I am compelled to make the most of every day! There is so much I want to accomplish as a father, husband, entrepreneur and Christian. I don’t know about you, but each of the roles I play all seem to be begging for more time!
I’ve already written an eBook on productivity titled “Get 5 Hours Back.” It is a great, short (shouldn’t all productivity books be short?) book that is designed to help you create an extra 5 hours in your life in 1 week. The book and the tools recommended are in our Subscriber Resource Library. You can grab a copy there. That book was written for everybody who wants to accomplish more in less time. Please check it out and let me know what you think. I’d greatly appreciate your comments, questions and suggestions. You can leave them in the comment section of the resource library.
I am now launching a new writing project to build on what I learned writing “Get 5 Hours Back” to build a productivity manual for leaders. I want to help those tasked with leading organizations to lead well, deliver results and to build a life and business that they will be proud of. The working title is “The Effective Leader – A Guide to Building a Successful Life at Work and at Home.”
For me, a productive life is getting to the end with no regrets and getting to the other side and hearing “well done.” The goal of this book is to help the readers determine what a successful life looks like for them and to help them accomplish it.
So, you will be getting lots of newsletters about productivity and building a great life this year! I’d appreciate your feedback on anything I send. Please send me any topics you’d like me to cover or questions you have and I’ll work them into the manuscript.
Thanks for reading and thank you for your support as I work to build the life God has called me to build!
Christian Medical Sharing
I mentioned last week that my family had switched from traditional health insurance to a Christian Medical Sharing (CMS) program called Medi-Share. It was a tough move. All I have ever known is the traditional health insurance market so making the switch was scary, especially now that I am seeking health coverage for 6! I know we would not have made the switch if our premiums were not continuing to sky rocket (we would have been north of $2,000 per month in premiums this year) and if we did not have a good number of friends that had been on several of the CMS programs for a while. We had friends who had babies on the plans and all the feedback was very positive. So, we made the jump.
If you are interested in moving to a CMS, I wanted to give you a little more info. First, participating in a CMS does keep you out of penalties under the current (Jan. 2017) Obama-care system. Second, a CMS is not insurance. There is no backup plan. You are depending on the other members to cover your medical expenses when they occur. This was a big concern for us, but these plans have been around for quite some time and they have always met the needs of their members.
Most CMS plans do not cover or limit coverage for pre-existing conditions. They don’t cover prescriptions. These things are very different from traditional insurance. If you want to investigate further, here are some links for you to learn more:
- Medi-Share
- Samaritan’s Ministries
- Christian Healthcare Ministries
If you Google “Christian Medical Sharing” you’ll find multiple comparison websites and bloggers writing about their experiences with the various providers. Hope this helps! We just started on Medi-Share on January 1, but if you’d like to learn more about how we made the decision, just drop me a line.
Life, Fun, Whatever

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