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Maximize Office Productivity, Stop Using PPI meds
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that! Let’s get started! BusinessMaximize Office Productivity I am a complete productivity geek. I love learning ways to get more of the right things done in less time – especially at work. Why? Because God has blessed me with very important priorities outside of work. They are Him, my wife and my kids (and some fitness when I can fit it in). The faster I can get the right things done at work, the more time I have for the most important areas of my life. Increased effectiveness also increases business profit margins – a very nice side benefit… Here are some top tips for creating the most productive workplace possible: - Get Happy – Happy, less stressful workplaces are more productive. Tons of studies have confirmed this. Not only are happy workers more productive, they are generally healthier! Wouldn’t lowering your healthcare costs be a nice bonus?
- Streamline Everything – From your desk to how you get work out the door. There are tons of efficiencies to be gained. Quit touching things (including emails) more than once. Do some reading on Lean Operations and implement in your workplace! Remember, the faster things get out the door, the greater margin on that product or service.
- Create Quiet Times – 43% of employees say that impromptu visits by coworkers are their biggest productivity killers. Every interruption costs you 4-5 minutes in productivity. We’ve all experienced how hard it is to get “deep work” done during office hours. Help yourself and your team by creating office “quiet times” where everyone keeps interruptions to an absolute minimum. Use office Instant Messaging tools (like Skype for Business) to let your team know when you are available for distractions and when you need to be left alone.
- Maximize Meetings – Meetings can be such a time waster that a wrote a white paper on how to do them right. You can get that in our Resource Library, but here is a great first step. Do Daily Huddles – short 15 minute briefings to blow through roadblocks and get everyone focused on the most important work of the organization. These meetings are also great at reducing interruptions throughout the day because everyone knows they will see each other at least once per day.
- Get Healthy – Eat right, sleep and move throughout the day. Get a standing desk. Take exercise breaks. Our brains are powered by our bodies. Get the mind fit and your brain will perform at its peak!
- Stop Interruptions – This is actually two tips in 1. The second is batch processing. Processing your tasks (like phone calls and emails) in batches is massively more productive than interrupting your work throughout the day to do it. So, let phone calls go to voicemail and turn off all email notifications. You can get back with whoever needs you when you break from your current project.
- 90 Minutes of Focus – Research has shown that working in 60-90 minute focused time blocks is the most productive way to work. The hard part is getting your office mates on the same schedule. See #3 above.
- Start with a Plan – This is the most important of the bunch. Don’t start your day distracted with other people’s priorities by checking your email first thing. Know what your most important tasks are for the day and design your day to make it happen!
I could go on forever, and I did in this eBook titled “ Get 5 Hours Back.” There are many more tips, tricks and techniques for a building a more productive life in that resource. You can grab a copy at our Resource Library. So, get productive so you can spend time with those who matter most to you!! Here are mine! I’m so blessed…. |
Quiting Acid Reflux Medications You have probably heard the news that long term use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) has been linked to an increase in the risk of suffering dementia. WebMD article here. I think all of this is based off of one study and everyone says that more studies are needed. But, there have also been studies linking these drugs to poor vitamin and mineral absorption. If you go to Chris Kesser’s site, you’ll be seriously scared out of using these things! I know many of us would like to get off these drugs and find more natural ways to control our stomach issues. Turns out there a lot of people out there trying to do the same thing. Here are a few ideas I found. Of course, check with your doctor before trying any of this! - This site suggests weening yourself off by reducing your dosage over a longer period. You’ll need a pill cutter to slowly reduce your dosage.
- LIfestyle Changes – Smaller meals, avoid trigger foods, raise the head of your bed. More ideas from WebMD here.
- Probiotics, a diet with more fruits and vegetables and other supplements are recommended at Dr. Mercola’s site.
I hope this gives you a few ideas to get started with. Of course, go see your GI doc to get a plan started. |
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week! If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line! Thanks for reading and don’t forget to send me any feedback at cfowler@valuesdrivenresults.com. If you liked something in this email please forward it to a friend or share via the social buttons below! You can also connect with us via social media. |
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