Career Limiting Habits, Breathe for Health, Let’s Relax Ad
August 11, 2016 10:30 amHi , – I hope you’re having a great week. As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that! Let’s get started! Business Career Limiting Habits According to a VitalSmarts study, 97% of us have at least one career limiting habit. Whether it be procrastination or temper, the great majority of us (and those who work for you) have one habit that will reduce their likelihood of excelling at work. The major problem is not an inability to change (though none of us like change), it is far more often the fact that the offending party is unaware of the problem. Sure, they might admit but that they “fly off the... View Article