What is the ROI of your training? How Starbucks Trains, Cut Alzheimer’s Risk by 50%!, What old people do for fun
August 11, 2018 7:06 amAs a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that! Let’s get started! Business Don’t Trust Unanimous Decisions– It is called the Pardox of Unanimity. As results become closer to unanimous the reliability of the results actually decrease. Next time your entire team quickly agrees to a solution expect that decision might be too easy to be true. You can reach consensus but great decisions require testing from opposing views. You should expect and encourage opposition. For example – under ancient Jewish law, if a suspect on trial was unanimously found guilty by all judges, the suspect was acquitted. It sounds counterintuitive, but the legislators at the time had noticed that... View Article