Be For Something, Not Just Against Everything

I am loving all the Biblical movies coming out these days. I think they have the power to reintroduce a generation to the bestselling book of all time and generate tons of great conservations about this amazing book.

What is concerning me is how the Christian community seems so quick to find something to be against in these movies and in so many other things.


Side bar: Did you know that that experts estimate that over 5 billion Bibles have been printed and distributed? The runner up on the all-time bestseller list is “Quotations from the Works of Mao Zedong” at 800 million copies, but it was mandatory that every Chinese citizen carry one back in the 70’s. The next on the all-time list is “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens at 200 million copies.

Yes, all of these movies have Biblical inaccuracies that need to be pointed out, but think of all the great conversations that these stories coming into the mainstream media bring out. Rather than trying to shut down or boycott these efforts because of their inaccuracies, let’s encourage getting more of the Bible into the mainstream media. The conversations they will promote will be well worth the effort requited to work through the inaccuracies.

Wouldn’t our movement be bettered if we were “for” more and “against” less?

Great leaders follow this theory in raising up people in their organizations. Read “Whale Done” by Ken Blanchard and you’ll see the positive effects of praising the positive and not focusing on the negative.

As Christians, we do need to use the power of our pocketbooks to move commerce and media. Look at how quickly The Cracker Barrel put their Duck Dynasty items back in the stores. We can move things by speaking up, but let’s keep it positive. We want more freedom of speech for everyone, not just our opinion.

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