Purpose, Time Wasters, Read Like a Billionaire, Meditation in Schools??
I hope you’re having a great week.
As a Christian business leader you want to accelerate your growth, profit, and witness in the marketplace (and build a better life!). Our goal is to bring you the best tips, tools, and techniques to do just that!
Let’s get started!
Purpose – Good for Your People & Your Business – In this great article, Dan Pontefract shares how to skyrocket employee engagement by helping them find their purpose – in life and in their role in the company. Of course your company has to find its purpose before it can help employees find theirs! Dan shares that employees can have 3 types of mindsets:
- Job Mindset – “I am here to do a task and get a paycheck.”
- Career Mindset – “I am focused on growing my salary, title and power.”
- Purpose Mindset – “I am living out my purpose through my work. As I help my organization pursue their purpose, it helps me pursue mine. I want everyone at work to feel this way.”
Clearly, you’d like your team to have a Purpose Mindset. This article has some great tips on how to help your people get there.
Employees use Only 60% of Work Time for Work – I think we all know that a ton of time is wasted at work, but losing 40% is a huge number and this is what is happening according to new research by Scoro Software. They produced a great infographic showing where most of our time is lost and how we can do better. Here are some highlights:
Top Time Wasters:
- Searching for Lost Documents – Costs 6 weeks per year
- Reading Social Media & News – 1 hour per day
- Ineffective Meetings – 1 hour per day
- Email – 34 emails per day + 16 mins to get back on task = Lots of Time!
- Only check emails 3x per day, turn off that dinger!
- Make sure every meeting starts with an agenda (or boycott the meeting…)
- Focus only on the projects that provide the greatest return.
Great tips and a great infographic that you might want to post in your office. Reminds me of a story told by Cheryl Bachelder who turned around the Popeye’s franchise. When she took over as CEO the company was working on 120 “major” projects. She focused everyone’s efforts on only 7 projects that would make the biggest difference to the organization. Her results were amazing. Focus = Effectiveness!
If you want more productivity tips for you and your team, check out our “Get 5 Hours Back” eBook that is available in our Subscriber Resources Library – lots of other great tools in the Library as well. Let me know what you find most useful!
Meditation Going Mainstream in Schools? – Studies have shown that 4th and 5th graders who were trained in mindfulness experienced enhanced cognitive control, reduced stress and an increase in well-being. As the evidence mounts more and more schools are introducing mindfulness practices. This article shows some pretty neat approaches that work great for kids – like starting with a highly physical activity to release energy, followed by visualization exercises. We all know kids have great imaginations! Pretty cool stuff.
Life, Fun, Whatever!
20 Book Recommendations from Charlie Munger – Charlie is the billionaire business partner of Warren Buffett. Saying that he is an avid reader would be a dramatic understatement. Here’s a quote from Charlie –“In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time—none. Zero. You’d be amazed at how much Warren reads—and how much I read. My children laugh at me. They think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out.”
Summer is almost here. Why not put some of Charlie’s favorites on your reading list for the summer? Be warned – these are not light reading! Check out the list here.
Here’s wishing you a great rest of your week!
If we can ever help you on your journey to excellence, just drop me a line!
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to send me any feedback at cfowler@valuesdrivenresults.com.
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About Fowler & Company
Fowler & Company helps Christian business leaders accelerate their growth, profit and witness in the marketplace. We do this by helping our clients in three primary areas of focus; Strategy + Execution; Performance Excellence and Executive Coaching. Curt also delivers inspiring messages to teams through his Keynote Speaking.
To learn more about Fowler & Company, visit us at: ValuesDrivenResults.com.
Be Blessed!
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